Facial wrinkles are the most prominent characteristic by which skin aging is recognised. Intrinsic aging and environmental factors break down collagen fibres in the dermis. In addition, collagen production decreases from age 20, inhibiting the skin’s ability to continually replenish essential collagen to maintain its elasticity and firmness. This causes the skin to lose its suppleness and fine lines start to appear.

ITOH Hanako™ Skin Lift combines two powerful ingredients in one formulation - Ultra-concentrated 12,000mg fish collagen replenishes lost collagen while proteoglycan further stimulates the skin's own ability to efficiently produce more collagen and hyluronic acid. Together, they help tighten skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

ITOH Hanako™ Skin Lift is a non-halal certified product which contains collagen and extracts derived from fish sources. It does not contain any gelatin or porcine collagen derived from pork. Hence, it is subjected to the individual’s preference and choice to drink Skin Lift.

Proteoglycan and collagen are proteins derived from natural animal tissues that are safe and important for your skin and tendons. However, your nutrition during pregnancy is very important to your baby's development hence you are advised to consult your doctor for professional advice.

It is recommended that you stop taking ITOH Hanako™ Skin Lift until your full course of medication or treatment ends. You are advised to consult your doctor for professional advice.

ITOH Hanako™ Skin Lift contains sweetener instead of sugar which is suitable for diabetic patients. However you are advised to consult your doctor for professional advice on drinking any collagen supplement if you have existing medical conditions.

The minimum age for consumption of collagen supplements is age 15 and above. Due to the anti-aging nature and benefits of ITOH Hanako™ Skin Lift, it is recommended for women age 25 and above.

You are recommended to drink 1 bottle daily, to be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach or before sleep. ITOH Hanako™ Skin Lift may be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach and before sleep. Taking the supplement in the morning optimises intestinal absorption of the proteoglycan and collagen molecules while taking it at night stimulates regeneration of connective tissues.

ITOH Hanako™ Skin Lift is available at Guardian, Sasa, Robinsons, BHG, Metro, OG and Ascenshoppe's online store at